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How 2 Montessori online

“I just joined and I am already learning so much. Thank you for creating such valuable content that will help so many families. Thank you for making it accessible. Thank you for sharing so much of your knowledge. The platform is so worth it and there is incredible information. Thank you.” Erica

An online platform to help support your child's development and bring a bit of Montessori into your home

The How2Montessori Members space, is somewhere you can find a wide array of resources for your parenting journey.


Whether you’re someone who doesn’t know where to start, someone who just wants regular new ideas for activities and themes, or simply just need some tips and inspiration, the Members Platform has something for everyone.


It can help guide you in all areas of home set-up, environment, presentation techniques, activities and materials to best follow your child’s developmental needs. It’s all designed to help improve your understanding of early years development, in the most approachable, user-friendly way possible.


It doesn’t matter the space you have at home, the Members platform will guide you on how to best prepare your play environment, choose your resources, set up and rotate age appropriate activities and simply nurture your child's love of learning. The members space is here to help with life at home, by guiding you on how to build the foundation during these crucial early years, all preparing your child not only for school, but more importantly for life!


There is no perfect solution, but hopefully this might just help…

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Baby with Toys

What's inside the members platform?

How to


This section is for those who want to know where to start! It covers everything from the environment, the set-up, choice of resources, step by step guide on how to first introduce an activity and other presentation techniques, storing and rotations, how to adapt each activity to your child's individual development, while covering all the different areas of learning and much more...

Activities by age and development


​Activities organised by age (rough age guide). What’s required, videos and pictures demonstrating the activity. Extensions and modifications for all activities, as well as useful tips.

Themes and ideas


Full of ideas for weekly themes or projects for each age group. Includes seasons, holidays (eg: Christmas), colours, animals, but also language, numeracy, literacy, practical life and more.. There are ideas for shelves set-up, themed activities and much more..​


Things to do with


This section offers inspiration on how to use specific resources you may already have at home or ones that are very inexpensive to purchase and that will then be used for years! You'll be surprised to see how many different ways there are to use those versatile resources, all while covering various areas of the child's development. The magic of open ended resources!



This is the ‘Help me’ section. A place where I have answered the FAQs I've received weekly and to which I will be continuously adding to...


Lots more


This area covers everything else! Everything from tips for traveling, holiday and bath time activities, hand strengthening activities, Guide on resources for each specific area and lots more!

This section will also cover other topics around child psychology and behaviour, ideas for the multilingual families, siblings, book ideas and so much more.

Become a member today

Purchase H2M

* If you are purchasing the membership from outside the UK, the exchange rate will apply. For example from the US, the cost will be circa $40 for a year-long membership. 

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